DigiTales - The Art of Telling Digital Stories

Peer Review of Digital Stories


Asking peers to review and reflect on work together is a powerful formal reflection process. It uses the metaphor of walking around an art gallery as you view and reflect on numerous pieces of work. The peer review process outlined here is called the GalleryWalk. It creates an activity to capture written narrative reflection comments from viewers on each digital story. Viewers learn as well as provide feedback for their peers as they rotate through looking at each digital story on its own workstation screen. All viewers are asked to leave written comments at each story station on what they found appealing and what might make the story even better. Some groups may need a little coaching on the role of being a good critical friend that is able to craft useful feedback for others. Be sure to create a climate of safety and respect.


  1. Organize peer reviewers into groups of two (2) or three (3)
  2. Post a Reflection Chart for each product. DeBono uses a three-column PMI Chart asking for reflection comments on Plus, Minus & Interesting. Feel free to change the words to fit your audience. For example, younger kids could use a three-column chart that collects comments on two stars they would give the story and one wish for the story. Or make a three-column chart for what's appealing, what to consider, and what's interesting.
  3. Distribute 3x5 post-it notes and thin color markers to each participant.
  4. Ensure the story functions technically and headphones are placed at each story workstation before beginning.

The GalleryWalk Process

  1. Start at "home base" reviewing and reflecting on your own digital story first!
  2. Review each digital story for what's appealing and what might make the story even better.
  3. After reviewing, INDIVIDUAL reviewers make at least one post-it note of their own for each of the Plus, Minus, and Interesting reflection columns. If you have the same comment(s) as others before you - make another post-it-note as duplicates are GOOD!
  4. Rotate to next workstation(s) to review and comment on each story's PMI (Reflection) Chart.

Wrap-Up Reflections

  1. Return "home base"
  2. Review and reflect on all post-it-note comments. Organize comments into clusters or patterns.  
  3. Determine which feedback comments you consider useful and worth considering. Some comments might not fit, others may not be understood and a few may be off base or not "packaged" in a useful way.
  4. Write a "what next" reflection response for the following questions: What did you hear and see in other products that would be useful to your own next work? What did you learn from GalleryWalk comments? Out of all that you have learned, what will you do next time to improve your work?

Group Closing

Having a group closing is optional depending on time and purpose of the work together. But asking for groups to share out loud increases their learning from each other. They take their Wrap-Up Reflections a little more seriously when they know they will also be sharing their thinking with others. Here are some group closing suggestions to try:

  1. Ask participants to share their "what next reflections" in groups of three.
  2. Ask participants to share out loud one of their "what next" reflections with the whole group.
  3. Break into small groups to record on flip charts what they heard, what they learned and what they think about their experiences with the GalleryWalk.
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